Southern Arizona Independent Film Festival Submissions
2020 Southern Arizona Independent Film Festival proudly accepts entries via, the world's best online submission platform. FilmFreeway offers free HD online screeners, unlimited video storage, digital press kits, and more.
Click to submit with FilmFreeway.
All submissions and fees will be handled through our festival listing on “Film Freeway” at the following link:
Opening date for 2020 entries is on June 1, 2019
Early Bird Submission ($5.00) deadline is 5:00 pm (MST) on August 31, 2019. Regular Submission ($10.00) deadline is 5:00 pm (MST) on February 1, 2020. Extended Submission ($15.00) deadline is 5:00 pm (MST) on February 22, 2020. All rules and terms for entering the festival can be found on our FilmFreeway page.
The following Guidelines should be read and adhered to regarding acceptable materials for submission to the festival as we will only accept films based on a G or PG rating.
Festival Ratings Guidelines PDF (link) (Adobe Acrobat required)
*No attribution or music videos please.